Page 4 - The Story of Al Badia Arabian Stud - Desert Heritage Magazine, N.25 / 2012

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Ramses Effendi
‘Ramses’ became a renowned name many years ago when Martin Loeber of Plum
Grove Farm imported the superior Nazeer son Ramses Fayek, a stallion who appears
in the pedigrees of many national winners and international champions. A horse of
high quality, he also stood at stud at Albadeia Stud in Egypt prior to his importation
to the U.S. The dam of Ramses Effendi, Ramses Safina, is a daughter of Ramses
Fayek out of the imported mare Ramses Sadaka (Seef x Yomna) representing the
Kuhaylan Rodan strain coming down from the lovely Ameena of the Bint Rissala
line. When Safina was bred to the exceptional sire Prince Ibn Shaikh (Shaikh Al Badi
x RDM Maar Hala), the result was Ramses Effendi.
Ramses Effendi has proven to be a superior broodmare. Her first daughter Ramses Minx (by Thee Desperado) was the 2009 U.S. Egyptian Event
Supreme Champion Mare and 2009 European Egyptian Event Reserve Supreme Champion Mare. At Al Badia Arabian Stud, Ramses Effendi
is represented by 3 females: SA Alaa Sashay (Ali Zaar x Ramses Effendi), Safina Al Badia (Al Adeed Al Shaqab x Ramses Effendi) and Amal Al
Badia (Al Adeed Al Shaqab x SA Alaa Sashay).
SA Alaa Sashay is a 12 year old daughter of Ali Zaar, the handsome Ruminaja Ali son with a high set neck, and excellent body proportions
for which this cross of Ruminaja Ali on Glorieta breeding is famous. Ali Zaar’s son Ali Bayfire sired race winner Mia Bint Bayfire. Ali Zaar’s
full brother Ali Zafir won 2005 Reserve Champion stallion in Egyptian Event Italy and is a celebrated sire for Bebo Stud in Egypt. As Laurie
describes SA Alaa Sashay, “she exemplifies the classic Arabian horse with her balance, substance, and type. She is a short coupled mare with a high
set elegant neck, a kind temperament, straight tail carriage, and excellent legs. She is a good athlete and talented under saddle.”
Ramses Effendi (Prince Ibn Shaikh x Ramses Safina, by Ramses Fayek)
Bottom (l-r):
Ramses Effendi and SA Alaa Sashay
Opposite page:
SA Alaa Sashay (Ali Zaar x Ramses Effendi)